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Cream of the Crop
A Harvest of Specialty Crop Lessons
This 10-lesson booklet contains specialty crop themed curricular resources that focus on standards-based connections in science, social studies, language arts, and health and nutrition. The lessons and hands-on activities use specialty crops (fruits, vegetables, honey, maple syrup, and others!) to inspire a natural curiosity in students and lead to awareness and appreciation for food production and healthy food options.

Grades K-2
Amazing Honeybees
Homegrown in Minnesota
- My Plate Diagram
- Farm to Table: Where Do Fruits and Vegetables Come From? Video
- What are Fruits and Vegetables? Video
- Farm to Fork Poster
- Farm to Fork Game
- What Am I? cards
From Sap to Syrup
Grades 3-5
Where Did My Soup Come From?
- Hungry Planet PowerPoint
- Vegetable Soup Recipe
- Tips for starting an indoor or outdoor garden:
- Inch by Inch
- Videos
An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away
- An apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away Video
- Articles:
- Organic Apples vs. Regular Apples — Does it really matter?
- Five Reasons to Eat Organic Apples: Pesticides, Healthy Communities, and You
- Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious?
- Organic Shmorganic: Conventional fruits and vegetables are perfectly healthy for kids
- Scientist vs Organic Advocate Debate GMO Safety Video
- Apples Fun Facts for Kids
- Apple Facts
- Why Organic
- Teaching Children about Organic Farming
Grades 6-8
Minnesota Flowers for Pollinators
- Hyperdoc
- Enriching Activities Links
Minnesota Apples: Sweet Fruit, Bitter Controversies
- Hyperdoc
- Twin Cities Daily Planet Article: Genetically-modified apples spur debate
- Sources and Credits
- Anderson, Tim. "Counterpoint: GMO Foods Are Unsafe." Points of View: Genetically Modified Foods, Jan. 2017, p. 6. EBSCOhost
- Berger, Adam. "Point: Organic Foods Are a Healthier Alternative." Points of View: Organic Food, 3/1/2016 EBSCOhost
- Bowman, Jeffrey and Marcus Griswold. "Point: Genetically Modified Foods Will Dramatically Improve Agriculture around the World." Points of View: Genetically Modified Foods, Jan. 2017, p. 2. EBSCOhost
- Driscoll, Sally and David C. Morley. "Counterpoint: Genetically Modified Foods Should Be Carefully Regulated." Points of View: Genetically Modified Foods, Jan. 2017, p. 3. EBSCOhost
- "Evaluating Perspectives about GMOs" Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Lesson. National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix. Topic adapted for a younger audience.
- "Organic Food: Guide to Critical Analysis." Points of View: Organic Food, 3/1/2016, p. 4. EBSCOhost
- Marketwired. "Sweetango Invites Fans to Celebrate The Sweet Spot of the Apple Season." Marketwire (English), 09 Sept. 2014. EBSCOhost
- Pearson, John. "Point: The Many Benefits of Genetically Modified Foods." Points of View: Genetically Modified Foods, Jan. 2017, p. 5. EBSCOhost
- Rich, Alex K. and Tom Warhol. "Genetically Modified Foods: An Overview." Points of View: Genetically Modified Foods, Jan. 2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost
- Sprague, Nancy. "Counterpoint: Organic Food Is Unnecessary & the Current Food Supply Is Safe." Points of View: Organic Food, 3/1/2016, p. 3. EBSCOhost
Food Miles
Grades 9-12
The Science of Apples
- "THe Real Johnny Appleseed" Biographical article
- Biography - Johnny Appleseed article
- How Does it Grow? Apples video
- What is Genetic Engineering? video
- What does GMO mean? video
- Arctic® Apples video
- Arctic® Apple 24 Arctic Apple Hour Time-Lapse video
Plant Breeding in Specialty Crops
- Fruit Hybrid Slides
- Fruit Crops and Wild Relative Image Cards
- Plant Breeding Matters: The best job in the world
- Additional Background Information for Teachers
- Plant Breeding Technologies Student Direction Sheet
- Student Resource Folders
- Links for extension activity on bananas