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Children's Literature Book Bundles
The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom program developed two children's literature book bundles. Each bundle includes ten books that are targeted to a specific student grade range – K-2 and 3-5.
Each bundle also has an accompanying Educator Guide. These guides are designed to stimulate appropriate discussion and to extend student learning beyond the book content itself.
The book bundles are no longer available for purchase.

K-2 Book Bundle Titles
- Beef Cattle: An A to Z Book
- The Beeman
- The Fruits We Eat
- How Did That Get in My Lunchbox? The Story of Food
- The Life and Times of Corn
- Oh Say Can You Seed?
- Pigs: An A to Z Book
- Seed-Soil-Sun: Earth's Recipe for Food
- Soybeans: An A to Z
- Tops and Bottoms

3-5 Book Bundle Titles
- The Apple Orchard Riddle
- Auntie Yang's Great Soybean Picnic
- Cattle Kids – A Year on the Western Range
- Clarabelle: Making Milk and SO much More
- Fantastic Farm Machines
- Farmer George Plants a Nation
- The Honey Makers
- The Kid Who Changed the World
- Pigs & Pork in the Story of Agriculture
- Water: Sources, Use, Conservation