About Us
The Work We Do

We Have Impact
Each year, we reach more than
135,000 Students
4,500 Teachers
715 Schools
We meet K-12 academic standards in
Social Studies
English Language Arts
We Make a Difference
Our resources feature authentic agricultural content to enhance student learning.

We Tell Agriculture's Story
MAITC provides resources and training for agricultural producers and professionals to interact with K-12 teachers and students.
We Lead Teacher Development
MAITC provides high-quality workshops tailored to the needs of practicing and future teachers.
Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom strives to provide Minnesotan K-12 educators with FREE resources to help integrate agriculture into their curriculum. There are many ways this work comes to fruition including but not limited to:
- Curriculum Matrix
- Minnesota AgMag
- Print Pieces
- AgMag Online
- Minnesota Farm Camp
- Curriculum Specialist Support
- Educator Workshops and Webinars
- Summer Teacher Tours
- Virtual Field Trips
- Video Library
- Educational Posters
- Food for Thought
- Journey 2050
- Farm and Food Book Week
The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom staff as well as the Foundation staff work tirelessly to update the resources offered to ensure it meets current Minnesota Department of Education standards and includes engaging ways to connect with students. This resource offering is constantly growing!