Curriculum Matrix
Companion Resource

The Journey of Milk
Watch this 4-minute video clip to teach about the dairy farm. Students will learn about what dairy cows eat and how they are cared for to produce the milk we drink and the dairy products we consume.
Dairy MAX
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- Whipping Butter into Shape
- Blue's the Clue: Souring Milk for Science (Grades 6-8)
- The Ultimate Efficient Recycler
- It's a MOO-stery! (Grades K-2)
- FoodMASTER: Milk and Cheese
- It's a MOO-stery! (Grades 3-5)
- A Day Without Dairy
- Cowabunga! All About Dairy Breeds
- Milk Makin' Math
- Milk or Meat? Beef or Dairy?
- Sun, to Moo, to You!
- Energy's Journey from Farm to You
- Survival of the Fittest: Comparing the Needs of Humans and Cows