Programs & events
Professional Development
MAITC leads professional development workshops for K-12 teachers, pre-service teachers, agriculture producers, and volunteers at colleges and conferences around the state every year.

After School PD with MAITC

Agricultue Innovation: Drones and Robots
MAITC team members will introduce you to agriculture experts and resources that provide a glimpse into the high-tech world of agriculture innovation. Devin Nohl from Tenacity Ag near Hancock, Minnesota will provide insight into how drones and additional technology are being used on Minnesota farms. Lynn Wallin from the National Center for Agricultural Literacy will share details about how she developed the Robots in High-Tech Farming lesson and walk through lesson elements and activities.
Additional related lessons include:
- High Tech Farming (Grades 3-5)
- Robots in High-Tech Farming (Grades 6-8)
- Drones in High-Tech Farming (Grades 6-8)
- Journey 2050 Lesson 7: Technology and Innovations (Grades 9-12)
Several lucky teachers will receive an Edison robot starter pack and Outdoor Farm, Indoor Farm books.
1 CEU will be provided to attendees.
Customized Workshops
Customized workshops provide opportunities to gain resources and ideas for embedding authentic agricultural examples within science, social studies, math, language arts and health/nutrition curricula. Contact MAITC staff to request a in-person or virtual workshop for your group.
Workshops can be customized to fit your needs. Sample options include:
- One-four hour workshop during an in-service day
- 30-60 minute Interaction with a focused group such as grade-level team, PLC, etc.
- 15-20 minute presentation during faculty meeting
The typical workshop format includes whole group activities, hands-on experience with lessons and curricula and sharing samples of our free educational resources. MN Ag in the Classroom Education Specialists share academic standards-based, ag focused activities throughout the workshop.